How to integrate data from BIM models into ERP processes and why is it Crucial in the Construction Industry in 2024?
How to integrate data from BIM models into ERP processes and why is it Crucial in the Construction Industry in 2024?
Connect Your BIM Model to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in 2024 - Do Not Miss Out!
How to integrate data from BIM models into ERP processes and why is it Crucial in the Construction Industry in 2024?
That's the question any forward-thinking and innovation-minded AEC company should be investigating, if not already implementing a solution.
For years the construction industry has been lagging behind in rise of productivity while other industries have grabbed the bull by the horns and invested in finding solutions to the real pain-points in their processes. Construction companies with low profitability and many crisis and obstacles to overcome need to see a good ROI when deciding upon process improvement projects - many companies have taken small steps along the way towards digitalization (for example, implementing partial, decentralized ERP systems) but a greater leap must be made to really maximize the effects.
Let's take a quick look at 5 great benefits a BIM to ERP connection can bring to a construction company:
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity in Production and Construction By connecting the two dots between BIM and ERP truly optimized workflows can be created. Not only is all of the information accessible to everyone, not only can everyone direct some of the former responsibilities to the ERP system, but creating the basis for real high quality decisions which can provide great insights into improving Production Planning and Control.
Up-to-date Project Schedule and Budget Monitoring The quality of decisions made in processes is strongly related to the amount, accuracy and timeliness of the information available. Having a comprehensive overview of the project through having a strong BIM database will provide the necessary input data for the decision-makers. Fast actions can be taken to alleviate discrepancies and steer the project back on course.
Project and Company Resource Planning Added value is created easily if the machine is well-oiled and constantly moving. Some of the largest setbacks in projects or production planning usually have something to do with supply-chain (mis)management, human resources (un)availability, and possibly also cashflow issues. This can be remedied with an intelligent ERP setup together with the up-to-date and accurate data of BIM.
Improved Communication and Collaboration Value created within teams, where the equasion "1 + 1 = 3" applies, is much greater than the total value created by each individual working on their own. Good communication and collaboration between the stakeholders of the project during the entire process will lead to greater satisfaction on all sides. By connecting the BIM model (digital twin of the project loaded with information) and the ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning functionalities loaded with information) all relevant data is combined into an up-to-date and accessible-to-all state. By enabling everyone to base their work on data of equal quality will improve the overall quality of the outcome.
Higher Quality and Sustainability Most mistakes can be avoided by having good control over the processes and an agile way to react. Collecting the various information of the project into a unified data stream will make sure that everyone is working with the latest knowledge and all the decision-makers can be equally involved. Less mistakes will lead to less waste and allow to make headway sustainability wise.
Automations - Free Up Time for the Really Important Tasks
With the booming use of machine learning and AI capabilities there are more and more digital tools out there to automate the reoccurring simpler tasks and keep focus on activities where human reasoning and decision-making are required. By choosing the "right tool for the right job" a company can create a lot of value from barely changing their processes. The most important part of this job, though, is to locate and define the true pain-points of the workflows - once the challenges are defined, an automation can be tailored for the fix.
Two Way Information Exchange from BIM to ERP and Back
Communication between the two systems can and should be designed as a two-way tunnel allowing to improve the quality of data in both of the databases. In our previous article ("What Is "BIM" and What Is It Good for in 2023?") we describe the BIM model as a "single source of truth" concerning the project at hand. Implementing data-exchange between the BIM model and ERP system will support this concept by allowing to supplement the BIM model data with relevant information from the execution phase (product information, supplier information, cost data, etc.).
collaborall is experienced in both ERP, BIM and SCM. With partnersolution from, ANT, SAP and Microsoft we know how to connect the different worlds.
Mauris iaculis urna id nulla malesuada elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices lobortis elit at elit.
We zijn prominent aanwezig op de Digibouw, het 2-daags event waar digitalisering en bouw samenkomen.
We zijn prominent aanwezig op de Digibouw, het 2-daags event waar digitalisering en bouw samenkomen.
Op dit evenement staan we niet alleen op een stand, maar dragen we bij aan kennisdeling met Caspar de Jonge, Rinze Herrema en Maarten Stemvers als klanten van collaborall en collega Tomas De Swaaf die komen spreken over hoe zij de uitdagingen in onze markt zien en deze aangaan met hulp van collaborall.
Wil je meer weten over wat we doen: kom dan naar de sessie: "Hoe komen we van data silo’s naar het slimmer laten stromen van data door de keten heen? En hoe kan Collaborall daarbij helpen?"
Donderdag 21 november 2024 15:10 tot 15:40 | Dome 1
DigiC is aanjager van digitalisering binnen de circulaire bouw. Ze stimuleren innovatie, publiek-private samenwerking en kennisdeling om samen de circulaire bouw in Nederland te versnellen.
DigiC is aanjager van digitalisering binnen de circulaire bouw. Ze stimuleren innovatie, publiek-private samenwerking en kennisdeling om samen de circulaire bouw in Nederland te versnellen.
Het DigiC programma van Earth Valley (ROM Utrecht Region) streek 8 november neer in het DMI clubhuis in Amersfoort voor de vijfde marktinnovatiedag. De deelthema’s Circulariteit en Industrialisatie zijn ons op het lijf geschreven, dus sloten we graag aan.
Na de opening met wethouder Willem-Jan Stegeman en een update van Jaimy Nijnens nam Nicole Cloudt ( ons mee op haar zoektocht langs innovatieve houtbouw, prefab elementen en circulaire en biobased materialen waarmee ze monumenten renoveert en zelfs haar eigen woning heeft gebouwd. Vervolgens werd er een interactieve paneldiscussie gevoerd met vragen over de definitie van circulariteit en of industrialisatie een eenheidsworst in de gebouwde omgeving oplevert.
Er werd afgesloten met workshops over het matchen van vraag en aanbod in herbruikbare materialen, tools die helpen sturen op circulaire indicatoren en de rol van parametrisch ontwerpen in stedelijke ontwikkeling.
Genoeg ‘food for thought’ tijdens de lunch, waar we inspirerende gesprekken voerden en waardevolle contacten hebben gelegd. We breiden ons netwerk graag uit in de regio!
Together with our esteemed partners—Goudappel and TNO, —we’re thrilled to showcase how the DMI-ecosysteem collaboration is helping the municipalities like Gemeenten Apeldoorn, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen, Amerfoort, Breda to tackle their urban development challenges. As part of this initiative, we’ll present our Urban Environment Management App at the Smart City Expo & Congress from November 5-7 in Barcelona.
Together with our esteemed partners—Goudappel and TNO, —we’re thrilled to showcase how the DMI-ecosysteem collaboration is helping the municipalities like Gemeenten Apeldoorn, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen, Amerfoort, Breda to tackle their urban development challenges. As part of this initiative, we’ll present our Urban Environment Management App at the Smart City Expo & Congress from November 5-7 in Barcelona.
Together with our esteemed partners—Goudappel and TNO, —we’re thrilled to showcase how the DMI-ecosysteem collaboration is helping the municipalities like Gemeenten Apeldoorn, Heerlen, Sittard-Geleen, Amerfoort, Breda to tackle their urban development challenges.
As part of this initiative, we’ll present our Urban Environment Management App at the Smart City Expo & Congress from November 5-7 in Barcelona.
This innovative app provides cities with an unprecedented view into urban functionality, enabling seamless data gathering, integration, and exchange with other platforms and partners. By sharing this data via an BuildHub, cities can leverage BuildHub’s tools, like real-time project management on a 2D map with time-lapse capabilities. This allows municipalities to oversee ongoing projects and optimize urban planning in a holistic, time-efficient way.
The BuildHub & app’s —and even more so, the collaborative approach among ecosystem partners—marks a significant step forward for integrated urban management, empowering cities to make data-driven decisions that foster sustainability and resilience.
Curious about what this could mean for your city? Join us at the NL Pavilion in Barcelona to experience firsthand how fluid data exchange can transform sustainable urban development.
Connecting, engaging, and inspiring!